Sunday, March 30, 2008

"Happy March 30th!"

This is how my six year old greeted me this morning. She is fascinated with the workings of the calendar and telling time right now and loves a good celebration. Her excitement is contagious, which is why I am baking a batch of chocolate cupcakes as I type this. This whole weekend has been chuck full of good times- we went out to eat with friends(our party of nine was 4 adults and 5 kids under the age of 8!) on Friday night and attended a dear friend's surprise 40th party last night. Who can get enough of good food, laughter, and music? Not me. Hope you all had a great weekend and here's to a
"Happy April!".

Monday, March 24, 2008

It's Spring(finally!) and I have some proof:

    Bright sunshine

    bubbles(I am LOVING the new "pop-up" bubbles the Easter Bunny bought at Price Chopper for $1.99- they are worth every penny!)


    Everyone is talking about the Red Sox, all of the time, everywhere and anywhere.

    We stayed outside today longer then the exact amount of seconds it takes to dash from the minivan to the house!

    Sunday, March 23, 2008

    Click to play Easter 2008
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    Thursday, March 20, 2008

    It's a's a plane...

    " It's a robot."

    A few weeks ago I gave Mackie a scrap piece of tin foil while I was cooking(making is probably a more accurate word) dinner. She asked me for scissors and glue and a piece of paper. She was quietly working at the kitchen table, so I didn't ask any questions. Finally, she showed me her creation. It was fabulously creative, especially for a 3 year old !

    Monday, March 17, 2008

    While Mom & Dad were away...

    The kids got to play!!!

    My sister, Tessa, and my BIL , Shawn, came to stay with the girls this past weekend so John and I could get away. By looks of these photos- they sure had fun!! Besides all of the fun they had at home(movies, making tacos and more!), they also got to go to the McDonald's PlayPlace and then bowling(where Shaye & Mackie were the only two of the six to break 60!).

    The girls couldn't stop talking about how great the weekend was and they can't wait for us to leave again.

    Thanks Auntie and Uncle!

    Thursday, March 13, 2008

    Tomorrow, you're only a day away!

    Yup, only one day to my romantic weekend getaway with John. I am so excited- this is only the third time in 4 years that we are spending a night without at least one of the girls and the first time in over 6 years that we are spending more than 24 hours alone together! Situations being what they are, we look for ways to keep the romance alive within the confines of a big family. Laughing together is key for us, I think. If we didn't laugh often, we would probably have fallen apart long ago. How do you all keep your marriages/relationships strong? What's important? Any tried and true tips for a quick jolt of spice/romance?

    I'd love to hear any stories or ideas you all have...

    Sunday, March 9, 2008

    A Malibu rum & diet Coke ice cream float

    is not as delicious as it sounds.

    I thought I was on to something but it was actually pretty gross tasting. :(

    Sunday, March 2, 2008

    From yesterday...

    Click to play Shaye turns six !
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