This week found us living (and learning!) in the kitchen, or so it seemed. Shaye bought a globe last Saturday and unable to find it a home due to lack of available surface space, I left it on the kitchen table. I can not even begin to mention all of the conversations it started between the girls or between the girls and myself and John. Here is just a few of the topics: the seven continents, the difference between continents, countries, states... etc., currents, tropical storms, the equator, global warming, war, third world countries, poverty, travel, "bucket lists", the difference in religions... oh, the list goes on and on. I won't be moving the globe any time soon, that's for sure! The younger girls completed almost twenty hands-on science, art/music composition, and writing activities out of the Girl Scout Try It book. Shaye baked cookies from a recipe she found herself in a book (and I gave her smaller measuring cups than necessary- just so she'd have to flex her fraction muscles). Of course we did other things, went other places, used other rooms, but if I had to label our week, I'd call it kitchen-centric learning.